Monday, October 30, 2017

Silent No More

Pss. 35:22 “This thou hast seen, O LORD: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me.”

Silent No More

As I scan the news feeds I see an awakening of people pointing fingers. Abuse has been going on for centuries if not the millennium. No one would like to admit it but even in the bible, there is rape and the mistreatment of women and men on a sexually promiscuous stage.

From my experience, when you come forward to tell of your story, you’re shot down. I think that is why the women you see today coming forward with sexual abuse cases are banding together because as one is shot down, forty and fifty might be heard.

We live in a world where if one person disagrees with another, the first thing they do is retaliate by belittling and silencing the other voice so that their voice is heard above all others.

I’ve never been the silent type as many will read, laugh and understand what I’m saying. I’ve been pretty vocal about my abuse as a child and I hope in years to come when people want to look into my window and actually learn who I am (of course after I pass because many could care less about my story as I live) they’ll dig through these pages and discover me and my voice.

If you ever wonder where I get my strength in fighting a disease like cancer that has killed millions of people, look at my history, read my story. I’ve been sexually assaulted, I’ve been ridiculed, bullied and battered and this disease is just another form of attack that I won’t be silenced, scared of and led quietly into the night away from.

Job 31:34 “Did I fear a great multitude, or did the contempt of families terrify me, that I kept silence, and went not out of the door.”

Just as everyone else who stands their ground for what they believe in will get shot down, I am no different. We live in a world of people who are led around by a nose ring. If it is in a book, it must be the truth. If a person has a diploma, their words have to be true, if the story is on the web, a ring of truth has to be in there, right, wrong! The people are not going to listen to me because I’m that still small, uneducated voice that is heard but not believed. I don’t dig enough into the scientific detail. I don’t listen to the mainstream; I listen to the voice in the back of the room trying to be heard and always being silenced.

This MUST READ link isn’t from a politically trusted news source, this story more than likely isn’t scientifically right, you should know what is right from left, I mean wrong, and to be honest, I don’t. I can’t tell a fake news story from a real one, I don’t trust anyone these days and sometimes that even means my friends. I just don’t trust very easily anymore.

I’ve always been shot down and put on the defensive and it puts me in the corner of the closet and I don’t want to be heard anymore, I just want to pull the door closed and go quietly into the night, abandoned and alone. But AFTER I pass, will everyone be intrigued with what I was saying all along? Will they then do their own homework and seek out the truth or will they close the book on this page in history?

Job 4:17 “Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?”

Let me just say, as many of you already know, I don’t trust the medical community. Doctors have let me down from the time I was sixteen and the uncaring doctor documented the words “She shows no feeling toward the death of her child,” (yeah, that is on record!) to the doctor who said recently, “She is not committing.” Doctors are all about drugs and the pharmaceutical industry they support and how to dismiss the uneducated little people and force them into submitting to the drugs they offer; drugs that have more damaging side effects than any healing properties. They are legal drug dealers in my eyes and nothing more! THAT is what they are trained for and paid a mighty dollar for too. The medical community is a big pool of vapid swimmers trying to pull you into their diseased cesspool. It is documented fact, but I’ll send you to an unrespected news source over and over so you can read for yourself the FACTS.

I don’t care how loud you are in dismissing me, I won’t hear. I don’t give a hoot how many medical journals you try to point me to, to prove me wrong, I won’t care. A voice doesn’t dare sway me just like my voice won’t sway you. We’re on opposite ends of the spectrum. While the world is out there following along like cows to slaughter, I’m a voice silenced by ignorance. I’m okay with that because I am led by only One voice, One Master, One God. All of your documentation is babble to me the very towers of Babylon that stood because of people like you and fell because of your kind. I know, that’s a politically unacceptable term, but I know nothing of politics either except that it will lead the human population to their destruction.

From this repeated link: "Honestly, we're at a point where the horses are out of the barn after the gate has closed," said Dan Werb, an expert at the University of California, San Diego. "I'm not optimistic about the capacity of our classic approaches to rein this [the drug addiction DOCTORS CAUSED] in."

As for me, I get to choose who I bow down to and it isn’t false idols, false gods or religion. I get to decide where I will go when my time ends. Keep in mind this uneducated woman’s words, MY God is not a religion! Never has been and never will be, no matter how loud you get thumping out man-made texts. I will remain alone but never silenced.

Pss. 31:18 “Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.”

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