Sunday, January 16, 2011

Poetry Sunday ~ Destiny's Call

Ps. 8:5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Destiny's Call

(c) Joni Zipp

Oh gentle flowing whispering stars,
Guiding my shaking hand.
Echoing through my body and soul,
I fight to take a stand.

Angelic points of light behold,
My eyes can see your glory.
Quaking in my tattered shell,
Beseech me with thy fury.

I want forever more to taste,
Thy golden drips of sight.
To bask amid your glorious rays,
So still throughout the night.

Carry me in thy humble embrace,
Into the brilliant realm.
Where no man breathes a flux of air,
As destiny mans the helm.

All rights reserved: copyright © Joni  Zipp


benning said...

I like it, Joni. You finished with a sort of nautical phrase. I wonder if you could edit this and add more of the nautical visualizations. Just wondering. :D1776freedom1776

Ro said...

Hiya JayNoi! I've been rather absent from blogs, but stopped by today to get somewhat caught up. I'm so glad your dog is ok and I'm gonna go see what all the excitement is about for Stormcrowe.

I've been doing a ton of writing. Writing this and that, seeing what works, writing just to write or editing as I go, what works hmmm, timelines and brainstorms tra la la haha!

I thought I'd do that fun writing challenge, with the three objects on the blog. So I did that, but I'm not getting any comments haha. But the blogging world has been a little quiet, so I'm trying not to be disheartened.

This year has started off rather rough. That's an uunderstatement actually. But it'll get better, I know it will.

Hopefully I'll be reading more again. Miss you! *hugs*

joni said...

Ahh Destiny has called you here Ro! :)

I've read your blog and I am caught up with all your activity.

Our F2K has begun so my commenting time is limited because as you know, that place keeps me busy with its own comments.

I will keep you in my prayers as it seems we all are going through our own thing.

And yes, it will get better. Keep the faith and hold on, it's gonna be a wild year. :)

Talk/write to ya soon

joni said...


I'll see what I can do, but as of right now, my Revenge of the Sea holds onto the nautical theme you seek. ;)

Thanks for visiting AND commenting!!!