Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Birthday Girl

Ps 103:20-21 Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.
Many many years ago a mother was scurrying around in her duster robe, rollers bouncing in her head while ironing the days clothes. Her mother sat in the far corner of the room watching and shaking her head in disbelief, as her daughter, nine months pregnant and about to burst, would not take it easy.

The pangs grew and grew until finally she whimpered, “I think I need to go to the hospital.” It was her birthday, but this was not a time to think of herself. Squirming inside was a little bundle who wanted to come out kicking and screaming to greet the world and be her mother’s biggest birthday surprise ever.

As the mother watched her daughter writhing with pangs of labor, she dialed the phone of the cab company. “Can you stop ironing long enough to have the baby?” she grumbled.

“Wait, I have to get these rollers out of my hair!”


“Yes now!” she screamed at her mother while unwinding the rollers and quickly running a brush through her hair. “Where’s my purse?”

After applying lipstick, the horn could be heard honking loudly at the front curb, ready to escort the two ladies. Waddling to the cab and shutting the door, the cab takes off in a slow manner, as all cab drivers do to make the meter run. “Uh, sir? I’m having a baby!”

“Wha- WHAT???” he stammered. “I could of just went down the one way street and got you there quicker!”

This is my daughters sixth child so it will probably come pretty quick--” she trailed off seeing the hospital in view.

The emergency room was packed and after the formalities and sign ins, a room was found and the doctor notified. “You just get as comfortable as possible, I’ll be back to check on ya in a bit. You’re not ready yet.” The doctor said as he walked out the door.

Five minutes later, what seemed like two, a little baby girl was in the arms of her mother, looking up in wonder at the new world that greeted her with a kiss. Snow gently falling outside the window, warm arms cradling the bundle, the doctor exclaimed, “You just couldn’t wait could you?”

“What a wonderful birthday present you are!” the mother whispers to her new gift.

Joni Zipp was born on this day...a girl of wonder and dreams all lay before her. The embodiment of love, light and beauty; she embraces everything that is tossed in her path and now finds herself bouncing through life like a curl fresh out of  a hair-roller. This day in history marks the birth of an angel, one that will give hope to the hopeless, love to those unloved, joy to the sad, inspiration to the lost, and Light when all the world seems dark.

Yes, she is human, every fiber of her being is human, but she has soared to heights unseen carrying with her, the wings of an angels spirit. God blessed her and her mother on this day in history, so to her I wish...a BLESSED birthday among many, and many more to come!

Ps 148:2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.


Steven said...

Happy Birthday Sugar-Biscuit!

joni said...

Thank you honey-buns! :)

joni said...

Thank you so much!

It has been a blessed day all around. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the story surrounding your special day!

Happy birthday - hope it was special!

joni said...

I received so much love yesterday it was almost overwhelming.
A great and outstanding, wonderful, blissful day!

Thanks for reading, June. :)