Sunday, August 13, 2017

Poetry Sunday ~ Destiny

Job 30:18 “By the great force of my disease is my garment changed: it bindeth me about as the collar of my coat.”


I had a taste 
Of a blissful life
Upon my face in 
This wondrous place

I had a chance
For the ultimate 
Stance with a 
Whimsical romance

I had a choice
The silent whisper
Of a voice, too soft
To hear through noise

I had a dream 
So it would seem
Took to the sky
On a radiant moonbeam

Where are the years
I can never get back
I’m losing track 
fell through a crack 

Tomorrow climbs
The ladder it finds
Shards of glass
Through changing times

It was meant to be
My destiny
A part of me all I see
Fly away on wings so free


NurseArtist said...

Nice poem. Hang in there, Joni!

benning said...

Well, that was different! :)

*Hugs!* <3

joni said...

THanks, Dixie, Thanks, Benning! <3

The things that come to my mind drinking coffee. lol