Ex. 14:14 KJV “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”
Go to the Mattresses
Ex.14:14 ESV “The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
Have you ever heard the term, ‘go to the mattresses’? I remember first hearing it in the movie You’ve Got Mail and thought it was kinda funny that Joe Fox the competitor was telling his competition to ‘go to the mattresses’ with her competitor, not knowing it was him of course. (I love that movie!) But he was using the phrase he’d remembered from the Godfather movie, it means to prepare for battle.
I used the phrase a couple of months ago quite literally when I was discussing the necessity of a new mattress. I was willing to ‘go to battle’ to get a new mattress to save my aching back. Our fifteen-year-old mattress had it’s final days years ago but affordability made it quite impossible getting a new one, bad back or not. Illness after illness it seems was always nipping at our feet inhaling any extra funds needed to get a stupid mattress.
Then not long before Christmas my dog showed signs of failing and for sure I didn’t think she’d make it through Christmas, but I went to the mattresses for her and looked up home remedies to help her with her obvious arthritis in her hindquarters. The unending bitter cold and snowfalls were not helping my Sassy as I know myself, the cold can sometimes agitate arthritis. Fish oil! Who would’ve thought fish oil would help a dog’s arthritis? It does tremendously, so much so, if I miss a day, she’s back to the inability to climb the stairs.
I know you’re going to say, get her to a vet but I’m sure each and every one of you know how expensive they can be and well, in my battle with this disease and every other thing going wrong, funds are just not in the cards of ours. I know it might sound like I’m picking our life over our dog, but I do what I can do. In three days time the fish oil began working its magic. I had fish oil on hand because it is one of my many supplements, I gave it up for her, to save her! It is WORKING!
My situation always has me wondering what people are thinking. ‘If her God is so great why does she suffer so much?’ Let me put it quite bluntly to you, God is fighting a bigger battle than I ever give myself credit for. You get your hair done, right? Your nails done, too? Well, I look at my life and struggles as God grooming me for my eternity with Him. He’s going to the mattresses for me and quite frankly, I’m sitting in peace, in silence, amazed at His ability to take on anything thrown at me. And just so you know, I've never had my hair or nails done. I do them myself, always have and always will.
We finally decided to get a new mattress. I couldn’t believe it! On January twenty-fifth, the anniversary of my diagnosis, my husband set out determined to change the negative overtone of the date and hang something new in the balancing scheme of things, we went mattress shopping. It was a surprise to me, I had just said I wanted a Wendy’s chili, and he said he needed a pair of work pants (like the mattress, his old ones had served their time) but we went a different route and he announced, ‘want to look at mattresses’ and I squealed in agreement, ‘yes, yes, yes!
You might be wondering why I wanted a Wendy’s chili since I’ve been so strict with my protocol. That’s just it, for a year I have been strict with my protocol. The twenty-fifth was a day one-year-ago I had my last fast-food purchase with a chili (my fave). I needed a good memory of chili and not the grim one that held it captive for a year. The twenty-fifth of January will be a new memory for me! We purchased a therapeutic necessity, work pants a part of his uniform, and a wonderful bowl of Wendy’s chili! The day was a great day and no longer does the grim reminder of a dastardly diagnosis hold the days' memory in its hand.
So while going to the mattresses holds different meaning all around, I prepared for battle, my Lord by my side, and claim a VICTORY! After one night's PEACE on the new mattress, my back felt different! I can’t wait to see what a month, a year, a couple years do to my back. Just as putting all of my faith in God, the mattress was well worth the price! God goes to battle and *I*, rest in PEACE!
All praise and glory to Him!
Pss. 97: 10 “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.”
Now all you need are some new, fluffy pillows, right? :D
Whoo-Hoo! Fish oil, huh? Capsules? Does Sassy just gulp them down?
I was gifted a new mattress about 5 years ago. The old one had taught me how to sleep around the edges to avoid the coils stabbing me. :)
*Hugs!* <3
Pillows are not a problem and now that stabbing coil is gone, neither is the mattress a problem.
Fish oil! No, she won't gobble them down but she does gobble the bread down that I squeeze a punctured pill onto. She's no different than a kid getting medicine, you just have to be creative! Amazingly, they work!
*HUGS* <3
I'm glad you give in to your cravings now and then. It helps to make life interesting and keeps the morale up. I know you have the willpower to get right back on track the next day. I'm glad you bought a new mattress too. Getting a good night's sleep is vital to good health. We have a sleep number mattress and we love it, except that Dennis' mattress now has a bad leak, so he has to air it back up every night almost. I'd love to get a replacement mattress, but it's not in the budget for this year.
Sleep well, Joni.
Thanks, Dixie!
I gave in (caved in) three times in an entire year. A pizza, my mother's recipe for macaroni salad, and Wendy's chili. I do get right back because my stomach is no longer used to that stuff, so it irritates it.
I've slept GREAT all this week. Income tax time was a blessing for us this year.
Thanks again!
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