1 Cor. 15:18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
Silent Slumber
(c) Joni Zipp
The fields they sleep
awash in snow
man in slumber
a tale of woe.
Mark the line
of night and day
into a realm the
soul does sway.
Often sought
but never found
Heavens light
with earthly sound.
All the while
he is caught up
the fields erupt
to fill his cup.
Over flows
ones own being
never grasp
all he is seeing.
Bind the love
within your soul
breathe it in
and be made whole.
All rights reserved: copyright © Joni Zipp
Silent Slumber
(c) Joni Zipp
The fields they sleep
awash in snow
man in slumber
a tale of woe.
Mark the line
of night and day
into a realm the
soul does sway.
Often sought
but never found
Heavens light
with earthly sound.
All the while
he is caught up
the fields erupt
to fill his cup.
Over flows
ones own being
never grasp
all he is seeing.
Bind the love
within your soul
breathe it in
and be made whole.
All rights reserved: copyright © Joni Zipp