Sunday, May 29, 2011

Poetry Sunday ~ The Shell Remains ~

Psalms 34:17  The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
The Shell Remains

(c) Joni Zipp
I sit in the hollow halls of pain
with nothing to comfort but the rain
they say, they say they care
when really they mean, when I’m there.

I’m alone in this fragile world of mine
greedy paws take away my shine.
like a flower beaten by a deluge
something grander something huge.

Abandoned by my nearest and dearest
all of them that dwell in the fear fest
I bow to the wind and all its fury
unleash on me His reigning glory.

When I’m happy, you’re by my side
a wonder of words in which I confide
but when I’m down and at my worst
my body shreds as if I’m cursed.

You leave me to dangle like a thread
about to break by the fiery dread.
Walls collapse, my mind reformed
like a babe about to be born.

I can not stay in this lonely shell
where loads of lies run rampant as hell;
the fire burns endless my soul will not sour
I’m controlled by love and a Higher Power!

All rights reserved: copyright © joni  zipp


Steven said...

A dark and dreary poem for a dark and dreary day.

joni said...

Kind of coincides with the dark and dreary week wouldn't ya say? :)

My Poesque style. ;)

benning said...

Ahhh, but there's hope in it, too! :D

joni said...

I always end my poems with HOPE!!! Because there is ALWAYS HOPE after a dark and dreary week! :)

Von said...

I'm sorry you had such a hard week. I hope the next seven days will be better. :)

joni said...

Thanks Von!
I did a lot of reflecting and eliminating and prioritizing and I found a new focus. :)

So, yes, it will be a better week! :)