Sunday, April 22, 2012

Poetry Sunday ~ TOUCH

Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

by: Joni Zipp

People enter each waking day
to see the light in a whole new way.
Bump into a friend and make him fall
shaking the momentum of it all.

Connected and bound by a thread
whether alive or all but dead.
We journey through space as we go
our movement is but a candid light show.

Bound to this planet but not our souls
the fate of our life is within our goals.
Reach for the stars but then you see
another person touching thee.

Connected by mere space and time
words are but a musing rhyme.
What really matters is all that's changed
the lives for purpose have rearranged.

A lifetime of reason and mortal season,
we’re all together God wasn’t teasin’
Glue that bonds the earth and sea
every plant and fortuitous tree.

When one and one makes two alive
then three and four make seven arrive.
Understand the mirror that’s shattered
Is our journey; once whole, we mattered.

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