Thursday, February 27, 2014

Beauty of the Sandhill Crane

Song of Sol. 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

~ The Sandhill Crane ~

The majestic beauty of Crane descending
Black lines mount the sky
Like rows and rows of soldiers pending
Their song-filled woes draw nigh.

Their movement off in the distance
Seeking a haven to rest.
Being met with no resistance
To the wandering river they nest.

Right on cue each year they meet
The melody fills the air.
Gather together new friends to greet
A sanctuary they share.

Flocking northward like a band of thieves
To the winding river they roam.
A blanket of clouds each one weaves
Finding a shelter to call home.

Briefly at the Sandhills they stay
The morning’s call will incite you.
You’ll rise and shine to greet each day
Until the moment the Crane bid adieu!

Isa. 60: 8 Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows


Tiggs said...

I love it, Joni!

Your words really let me "see" and "hear" the arrival of the cranes. The joy of waking to their call each morning must be wonderful!

One thing I miss about one of the homes we had: across the street was hills where cows roamed. We often were woken at 2-3am to cow moos.

It seemed as if they were just having a late night (or early morning) conversation--maybe over a game of cards--LOL. But it was always fun, calming, and restful to just lay in bed and listen to them.

Thank you for the vision of the cranes--I have never had the privilege of seeing them for real.


joni said...

These birds inspire me every year! They come to the Rowe Sanctuary, which is about seven miles up the road from me, but they scatter themselves out in the many surrounding cornfields too.

The humming is so melodic, I love it! They return to the sanctuary at night to sleep, and in the morning, their song fills the air and off to the cornfields they fly!

This city gal still finds amazement here in Nebraska. :D Now I know why God called me here, this place is FILLED with inspiration for the poet in me.

benning said...

It's good to see cranes and storks. Endangered for so long, yet they seem to be growing in number. Not very fast, but enough to give a bit of hope. :)

Thanks, Joni! :D

joni said...

Are you thinking of the Crane subspecies of Florida, being endangered for so long?

These Sandhill Crane grow in numbers every year. More and more flock to Nebraska and low-lifes actually shoot and eat them!

No wonder animals become endangered!


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