Sunday, May 09, 2010

Poetry Sunday~ A Bundle of Joy~

Gen 17: 16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.
 Happy Mother's Day!
A Bundle of Joy
(c) Joni Zipp
I was just a little baby,
Lying tightly in your arms.
Full of love and beauty,
not touched by worldly charms.

Slowly maturity settled in,
I learned from right and wrong.
I strive to be accepted,
to feel that I belong.

Mistakes were made along the way,
you helped me to stand tall.
Challenges were at my doorstep,
  and you were there, through it all.

My legs are now much stronger,
I stand on my own two feet.
My confidence not shattered,
through the struggles that I meet.

None can give love better,
not a sister nor a brother.
But strength and love are given,
through the love of a doting mother.

All rights reserved: copyright © Joni Zipp


Steven said...

Aww! :*

June said...

Wow, Joni! What an awesome tribute to mothers.


joni said...

I save a bundle on not having to buy cards. ;)

Thanks for visiting June! Always a pleasure!