Friday, December 04, 2009

Freaky Friday

Psalm 95:1 O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.

Goals goals goals!!!

One week has almost passed since my last posting. That shows you how well I am at setting goals and keeping them.

Sure I like to blog every day so that my fans can all get a good lesson of their writing needs. Whether it is inspiration, encouragement, skills or just passing by for some fun. This is what I like to offer my blog readers.

But this week I’ve been a little lazy in my writing endeavors. I’ve been running around cleaning, preparing for the holiday shuffle and doing all sorts of things that just keep on pulling me away from my writing!

My friend Raven always says you should set goals and from what I read, she actually does set goals and keeps them! She’s one busy gal AND she completed the NaNoWri Mo (National Novel Writing Month, for those NOT in the know.) The idea is to sit at that computer and write at least 1500 words a day and by the end of the month you’ll have a novel, ready for revision! That’s what I said, a novel!

This is what setting goals can do for you. I’ve been writing my blog for some time now and I’ve given you all a taste of the writer’s life. We need to learn, write, submit, write, grow, write, and basically every single day pen something worthwhile to read!

Sure we can post rants and raves on a daily basis like a good cup of morning coffee, it becomes regular, enough that we know our fans likes, dislikes, wants and needs. So you all want more of my life story don’t ya? Ha ha...Just kidding folks. I’m sure after this holiday hustle and bustle we’ll get back to a more regular ‘learn to write’ style.

But I thank you all for staying with me this long, bearing with me as I go and grow. What a life! This is all any of us can do in this world and that is go with the flow that life’s pace hands out and grow from the experience of it all.

I wish you all a wondrous and glorious holiday season no matter where you are in this world or where you are at in life!

Note: Look for my posting on the free writing course coming up January 6, 2010! I’ll be providing links to haul you all into class with me as I teach you the basics of writing! It is an awesome FREE course! Yes people FREE!!! More later. :-)

Godspeed friends!


Ro said...

I would love life story posts ;) You know me and my writing about anything and everything that strikes me hehe. I'm interested in that class, for sure. Does it start January 6th? Or are you posting it Januray 6th?

joni said...

Hey Ro,
Yeah the class begins January 6, but I need to get more info before I make an official blog post.
The higher ups need to fill me in on the course first.And since I'm a mentor there I'll have all the juicy tidbits! lol
And write on my life? hmm...I'm penning a book/memoirs and I might finish it up come 2010 PriNo. (Private Novel Writers Month)
I need to set GOALS!!!! *AAAAA* Screams loud! :-)

June said...

What an important statement for all writers! And writing SMART goals that are broken down into do-able chucks is part of what this is all about.

Take care,

joni said...

Geez, I almost jumped outta my shoes!

I'm so glad to see you prancing through here again!

And now that I see your new link (yes I visited!) I'm going to blog about YOU next week! May I? Kinda promote you? lol

(((((June)))) I've missed you!

Thanks for stopping by!


Steven said...

Yeees tea-cher...

benning said...

I finished decorating my little apartment, this morning. Some icicle lights over the living room windows, stockings hung there, too, and big Christmas-themed pillows on the easy chairs.

And that's it!
