Tis the season to deck the halls and all that stuff. Well as you all may know, it has been a trying time for me. Read the post below, my Health Issues Unmasked. You’ll get a glimpse of the pain and joys that I’ve endured.
Let me also say, I come from a big family, and not one has reached out to help me in any way. They’ve never supported me and my writing, so I don’t expect any of them to actually google my name and see what I’m up to these days. I don’t expect any of them to help, but I did expect them to at least CARE what was happening to me.
Long story short, I left home eight years ago, and since my communication has been scarce with anyone except my niece, my mother, and when my dad answers the phone, and sometimes my sister; coming from a family of four brothers, and a sister, aunts and uncles, you’d think SOMEONE would give me a shout out. Not even on holidays do they call. It’s sad.
What’s that you say? Have *I* called them? I sure have, and they always say, “Keep in touch.” But we never do, we let the year pass without a care. I’ve waited and waited in hopes, but then I just figure they have more important things to do, to take care of, to ever want to know what is happening in my life. We were never the Brady Bunch, we were more like Rosanne’s family, dysfunctional with a capital ‘D’! So I guess it just carries over into our later years too. Sad is what it is!
I thought I was close to them. I cared for all of their kids when they needed me to, I cleaned their houses, helped them with anything they ever asked of me. I was the strength they’d turn to in times of need! I never once felt like they didn’t love me, but when I left, I guess the void in the family was too big and maybe in their minds they were bitter that I got away. I did something they always wanted to do, but they just lived in their comfort zones for too long to ever break out!
Yeah, I broke out. Can one ever break out of a family? I did. And I found myself nestled in a Writing Community, that embraces me, my writing, my being, my humor and wit, they like me for me, not what I can do for them. And it goes both ways too, I’d do anything for them, and they know this. But I love them most because well, we support one another. We’re family and they’ve shown me, THIS is what family is all about! Love and support, when you need it most!
I have a Church family too that embraces me, and what I’ve found, is that I can actually depend on my Writing Family AND my Church family. They never let me down and it is because of this family of mine that I’ve been lucky enough to have in my life, that I’ve truly been blessed with, that will make sure I have a MERRY Christmas!
I wish I could repay every ounce of generosity that you, my true family, have shown me, but I know you all so well...you’ll say, “You already have, just by being you!”
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the highest of Heaven!
Eph.3:13-15 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
*HUGS!* Love is out there, all you ever need do is look. :D
*look look look*
Hey, there it is...
Wrapped up under my tree! :D
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