Friday, April 09, 2010

I Love to Blog

Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.
~~Cyril Connolly~~

When I started this blog, many moons ago, it was just a whim. I was going to write about the worlds troubles and I myself was going to stand on my high horse and cut down every non-fruit bearing tree in this world and point fingers and hopefully try to help. Maybe in hopes of it showing a beautiful fruit bearing tree as a result.

Something changed after the first few posts. It felt wrong, so I didn’t blog for a while and continued taking my writing courses, mentoring and writing my stories. Then it slapped me upside the head, write about writing!

I googled writing blogs all the time and found some interesting ones but they seemed so academic. I felt like I was sitting back in school at my desk, only this time, I had a computer in front of me, instead of pencil and paper.

I never wanted this to be an academic type blog on writing. I wanted you to feel like you’ve come into my living room, sat down with a nice warm cup of coffee or tea, whichever you prefer, and I would go on and on about what *I’ve* learned about the writing world.

Write it and they will come, that’s my theory. Like the field of writing dreams? They’ve come, they follow and they learn. Sometimes I go off topic and tell of my life in the here and now, but this is what makes my home here on the blog so comfortable. You not only learn about writing, you learn about this human being that is sitting on the other side of the screen typing her heart out. I hope you gain out of this blog, that I’m a good- natured, spiritual person who loves everything that life throws at me. I see it all as a challenge and I will gulp adversity down, and spit it back out, so I can go on and be a stronger person for everything that comes my way.

I don’t seek out followers, I don’t entice them to visit, I don’t shower them with gifts, I just write, and if they visit, well then, I hope they enjoy their stay. It is all I can ask for in a blog setting. Most of my following is writers, and they understand what makes up a writer at heart. We feel, like no other people in the world feels.

Maybe my topics deter you, or makes you feel uncomfortable? I think that would be my bible topics or headings? Some told me that the page had a hard time loading, and I know it was because of the pics I used, so I switched to scriptures, not to offend but to make visiting my home here easier for you. Navigating is easy too, the links are all helpful in the academic world of writing. I have fellow bloggers writing sites, friends who love to write, and my family here has grown.

So if you feel discouraged in writing, come visit me and sit for a spell. You’ll find something inspiring here and you’re more than welcome to leave a comment, or a tip on the table for my hospitality. ha ha.

I love to blog. If you’re visiting, enjoy. If you’re a regular, thank you. If you’re human too, like me, I send many blessings and positive thoughts your way so that you too may learn and grow in the world of technology. No one said you couldn’t have a cup of coffee and idle banter along the way.

godspeed friends...

The reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.
~~ F. Scott Fitzgerald ~~


Alyssa Ast said...

I enjoy your blog for the unique niche you offer.

joni said...

Thanks Alyssa! :)
And I write to offer uniqueness, hopefully.

Thanks again!

June said...

I love your "sitting-with-me-by-the-fireside" style blogging, Joni!

It's always a delight to come and VISIT with you.

Wonderfully said.

I try to make my blog post sometimes "cozy" and sometimes more instructional, as that's the teacher/mentor part of me. So I try to please both.


Take care,

June said...

Oh, and sometimes others might think my posts are just plain weird, as I can get in that "way out in left field" frame of mind.