Sunday, September 12, 2010

Poetry Sunday~ The Aftermath

James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
Embers of hate
mark this date
for all the world to see.

I can not relate
will not be bait.
for my will to be set  free.

Long live compassion
I drown out the crashin’
the light of laughter abounds.

Hold onto my passion
in arrogant fashion
the wonderful world of sounds

The first yellowing leaves
are shaking in trees.
the season enters its sleep.

The nation now grieves
for all it perceives.
the hope it can not keep.

Rise above fear
love will shine clear
in humans once again.

Don’t shed a tear;
hold your faith near.
pray for the sin of men.


June said...

Truth rings through your lyrical phrases, Joni....

joni said...

:) Thanks June! :)

I aim to to please! :)