“When pure sincerity forms within, it is outwardly realized in other people's hearts.”
-Lao Tzu
-Lao Tzu
They say it is Labor Day, but why do they give people the day off? That’s not labor.
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
If it is to recognize the achievements of American workers, why does Canada, and Non-American workers, get off of work?
I think holidays are just a way for the government to get a paid holiday for themselves. Holidays are a time for cookouts, get together's and fun with family. I had a great time with Stevens family yesterday and today do I get the day off? Not at all, I’m tapping on the keys and segueing into a post.
We have to be prepared. Labor Day might be for the workers of this world who need recognition of their labors and work, whereas for me, I will work my tail off this day in honor of LABOR!
I need to announce the next f2k session, which will be rolling around real soon, October 6th, and I’ll write more this week. F2k is the FREE Writing course that Writer’s Village University offers. Yes, it is FREE, and it is a seven week course that leads you into the labor of writing. If you’re a pro, the class offers a refresher in the basics. If you’re a new writer, then it offers you a chance to see if you have what it takes to BE a writer.
Writing is a laborious job. Some people enter class thinking they can whiz through because what, writing is easy? It’s a hard job that takes a lot of thought, persistence and patience that pays off in rewards beyond your imagination.
So on this Labor Day, take a moment to register to write. Take the initiative and give yourself the journey that keeps on giving. You WILL NOT gain entry until October 6th, but we do have a Social Scene set up (similar to facebook) that allows one and all a chance at viewing the format. Look for Writers Village University on facebook, we have a page loaded with info and friends you might already know. :)
Have a wonderful day. Don’t stop working just because ‘man’ has given you a holiday. Persist! Work! Live!
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