Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Something's Missing

Deut. 15: [13] And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him go away empty:
Did you ever get the feeling that there is something missing in your life? Have you ever read an incomplete sentence and wondered, “What’s missing?”

I’ve been reading lately about modifiers, clauses, conjunctive something or other and cumulative what’s its. Does any of that make sense? I didn’t think so, there is something missing. Oh, natural flow and form.

I form a sentence with no thought in mind of how it is structured, or if I’ve placed the modifier there, is the adjective where it is suppose to be, the verb, oh dear, how about the noun? There just seems to be an empty space there when I do that.

I’m a writer and what I write is off the top of my head as I think a thought. There we go, maybe I shouldn’t be studying about the sentence and its structure, maybe I should be thinking about the way I write and speak.

I love philosophy and I can learn a lot about writing from the great philosophers, just as much as the great writing teachers of the world. But I can not grasp the concept of dissecting my writing, cutting it down and picking out a conjunctive clause. A generative what, an aural what? Others may remember independent and dependent clauses, prepositional phrases, and how to diagram them, but not me. This is not me!

If you want to be a writer, this is what is in your arsenal of language and writing skills, but again, there is something missing. A point to be made? I’m missing the point.

You mean to tell me if I can get all of this crammed into my brain, it will make me a better writer? If I practice these skills, will my words become aural and not verbal? Will I then take people down a yellow brick road and deliver them to the great and all powerful Oz?


Oz was nothing but some short man hiding behind a curtain, threatening the dickens out of innocent people and a DOG! Why would I do that? Lead you to the Wizard of Oz? I’ll tell you why. If you remember, Oz led Dorothy home. She had many a conflict, abounded in aromas, poetic muse filled the screen with a play on words, prose and otherwise. I remember the screen going from black and white, to vivid color!

I get it now! Your writing will go from dreary black and white to being full of color and magic and with all of this new arsenal in your backpack of writing skills, you too, can bring home what you were missing all along, the point!


Steven said...

I'm with you on that.

Doreen McGettigan said...

I write like I talk and then go back and try to fit the words into some kind of writers law..

Ana said...

Yes and no,Joni.Maybe because your native tongue is English,you don't need to know that much because you have learnt the language in a "natural way" ,just by being exposed to it in your family and at school and words,sentences and prepositions have stuck to you.But for others,studying how sentences are formed,what elements they have and so on is very necessary.I could go on and on but I will leave it there.



joni said...

I agree Ana,
With English being my native tongue the sentences and learning the technical ways of writing a sentence comes (almost) naturally to me.

Maybe that is what's missing? I need to learn a foreign tongue to appreciate my own language? :-)


joni said...

So true Doreen.

We write like we talk and then try to make sense of what we said? lol

June said...

Wonderful, Joni! I LOVED how you used OZ and related that to writing.


Take care,