Friday, September 10, 2010

911~ A day that altered life

Isa. 64:2 As when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy name known to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence!
It’s all about numbers. 911 was the time and date that the hearts of the evil men decided on the fate of our country to go through a horrendous devastating blow. They pulled it off, in a splendor that even amazed them as witnesses.

I lived in Baltimore Maryland at the time of the 911 trauma. I remember the year before on Sept. 11th, they had closed down The World Trade Center at the Inner Harbor because apparently they feared an attack from an outside source. In 2001, they didn’t take these precautions and within seconds of the plane crashes, the world fell silent.

I remember watching as Katie Couric and Matt Lauer announced... “This just in, a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center.” Camera’s were quick to the scene watching the events unfold on the screen for all the world to see.

Were my thoughts, Oh my, a horrible accident? No, my thoughts went immediately to, this was intentional. I bowed my head and began praying. I slid to the floor as my knees buckled from under me, I fell into a kneeling prayer. More and more news came in as another plane hit the tower, and the Pentagon and another plane went down in a field. At that moment, my life was forever altered.

The souls gathered, they roamed, they were confused and lost. Wandering, they looked for home, sought out a place to move onto, found shelter in the hearts of the living who might, just maybe open a door for them. All that they wanted was peace for their shocked system.

I no longer felt a part of this world. I felt my spirit being lifted higher and higher. My marriage of eighteen years, which had been solid, had fallen on a rocky quagmire. Days passed and I felt like a new life was being breathed into my spirit. I no longer wanted a world wrought in pain for my then five almost six year old son. I no longer wanted a solitary life of mundane routine. I wanted life; the breathtaking life that God intended for me to begin with when he created me. A year and a half later, my marriage toppled, much like those buildings.

God gifted me with a talent and I was determined to use it to my fullest capacity within the four walls that I had built for myself. My prayer, my gift, my life, altered by a day in history. Unlike any other day in history, this one changed more than many were witness to; it shifted a mental consciousness. The tragedy drew on our strength and weaknesses producing either anger and hate, or love and hope. Very little had hope. Many either found or strengthened in faith! But, it also bred hatred and immorality to the highest degree.

On this anniversary of the number one tragedy of our time, I will pray for those who hate; I will bow my head and pray for love to sweep the nation; I will hope that our lives will be altered in a positive way, instead of the negative that we so easily choose.

I will pray for YOU, and I will pray for ME!

Lamentations 3:20-23
I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (NIV)


Becky Andrews said...

Wow. Well said.

joni said...

Thanks Becky,

An intimate part of my soul goes into these posts. Anything less would be...just another blog? ;)

Thanks again

Unknown said...

Awesome! You are a gift to all who know you.


Unknown said...

Awesome! You are a gift to all who know you.

joni said...

Aww...thanks Deb! :)

You're not so bad yourself! ;)
