Thursday, December 16, 2010

In with the New!

Job 32: 19 Behold, my belly is as wine which hath no vent; it is ready to burst like new bottles.
We’re going to roar into the New Year with a bang, right writers? And we’re gonna put this old heap of garbage of a year behind us and start off on a new note, a new key, an exemplary tone, a swashbuckling wallapalooza of a new beginning.

As many good things that have happened, there’s been an air of things that just didn’t pan out for me this year. The ending of this year is no different. Things are not falling into place the way they should and more than likely I’m the culprit. Okay that is not true, circumstances are not within my control, and things sometimes spiral in a wayward fashion and I’m left standing on the sidelines wondering how things ever got so disheveled.

So here I have Christmas crawling up on me like sly fox coming out of nowhere. The year just wooshed by and here it is Christmas next week. Have I bought anything? Nope. Still sitting here, tapping on the keys, waiting for a miracle. Miracles are a part of Christmas y’know. :)

I woke up this morning and there is a dusting of white stuff clinging to the grass and roads. Not enough to make a snowball or cause a driving a hazard, but enough to make the sun appear brighter than it is already. It was 19 bitterly cold degrees and I had a longing for Texas like never before. It was always so warm this time of year; the roads wide, the stores bigger than life, but the downside was, it was congested to the hilt!

I’ve been hit with yet another cold! Since Adam started school, he’s had three! Brings them home with him then we all catch the lingering germfest. “Are you taking vitamins?” they say. “Did you ever see the price of those things?” I retort. I believe vitamins in a pill form are a luxury that I can’t afford, and I just don’t believe in pill popping. Do I eat good? Yes! Vitamins via food? Most certainly! I drink green tea, which I still say minimizes the length of my cold.

In the six years that I lived in Texas, I had maybe six colds. Since I’ve lived here, in a year and a half, I’ve had six colds! So what is this post about anyway? My pity party? My big complain day or something? By no means. This is the road to a new beginning. A New Year! A long awaited year of change!

By putting all of the have’s and have-nots, success’s and fails, in a written form, I can now see what went right, and possibly where I went wrong. It’s not a pity party as much as it is an organizing technique where I can now begin to shape a new year of fresh unique things that will take place and put my journey in the right direction.

Why not try this yourself. Make a list of the things that went wrong this year, writing or otherwise. Make a list of what went right. Now put a positive spin on it and bring the year in with CHANGE!

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