Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lent: Day Twenty-two ~ Breathe a New Beginning

Pss. 51: 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Breathe a New Beginning

Don’t we all wish we could just breathe a new beginning? I think that is what Lent is for me. Normally I fast from food and do a deep spiritual meditation focusing on all things NOT related to technology. These days these techno gadgets are getting on my last nerve.

A new beginning to me is a fresh new day. Seeing things in life in a new perspective. That’s what my blog posts are doing for me, breathing in me a new beginning. While some people are content with their spiritual life, sitting at home living on the techno gadget they own and passing the time thinking this is a normal way of life.

I’m not knocking it if you are handicap and need techno gadgets. To some people it is all they have, it is their only means to viewing what the outside world is like. This gadget can be everything to a home-bound person. I’m not far from that in being the arthritis in my back won’t allow me to just get up and go so sometimes I depend on this gadget for friendships. But will it ever be the replacement part for the here and now called reality? Never!

I sometimes feel like Jesus, as I’m fasting from what the Lord asked me to and doing what He’s asked, I feel satan taking little nips at me as I’m in my deepest breath of a new beginning. Pick, pick, pick! He doesn’t care how or when he just picks and picks trying to get at me little bits at a time whether online or offline, he’s there, slithering in the garden, trying to sway me into a bout of anger.

I find it quite chilling that man (when I refer to man I mean the HUMAN race) thinks HIS will could over ride God’s will at any given time throughout a day. Man cannot live by bread alone. We were reading our bible study last night and it posed a question, “Who (or what) are you a slave to?” I just blurted out “God, I’m a slave to God.”

I think what it was asking is what do we find ourselves richly immersed in, in our lives? Are we surfing the net for hours? Then you’re a slave to the net. Are you listening to music for hours upon hours? Then you’re a slave to music. Do you sit on YouTube watching inane clips? Then you’re a slave to YouTube, just a wee part of the net. Ask yourself what is it YOU are a slave to?

I said I was a slave to God because I find myself hour upon hour, reading the Word, writing ABOUT the Word, talking about the Word and anything else about God or the Word I wrap myself up in and feel safe. I wouldn’t call it a slave though; I’d call it addicted.

Have I always been addicted to God? Well, it did begin as a minor obsession, then grew into a must have possession and then it became so phenomenally thirst quenching, I could no longer breathe a single minute without Him.

I did look into different religions and different faiths but nothing was so breathtaking as the Word from the Holy Bible. I then had to seek out a way to surround myself with positive-natured, God-nurtured people. Yes, my path was a little haywire at times, but I wound up breathing a new beginning with Christ.

I’m not here to judge how you walk in your breath of Christ; I’m not here to tell you the ‘right’ way or the ‘wrong’ way to find the breath of Christ alive in you. I AM here to tell you how the breath of Christ refreshes me and wakes me every single day and causes me to walk in a Light that many don’t understand.

Some try finding God in a book, some try and find Him in proof, some try and redefine the essence of His true meaning. Some will continue their search and change for the better. Some will get all the proof they need, read and believe until their eyes bulge out of their heads, but still remain a slave, to humanity. Me… I find the breath of Christ right here within me; I need look no further.

Pss. 40: 8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.

1 comment:

benning said...

Inhale! Exhale! Inhale! Exhale!

Ahhhhh! God is with us! :D

Nice post, Ma'am! <3